Runner’s knee: Runner’s knee or Patello-femoral pain syndrome (PFPS), got its nickname for an obvious and very unfortunate reason. it’s common among runners. First, it isn’t just for runners. Also, it isn’t really a specific injury. Runner’s knee is a broad term used to describe the pain you feel if you have one of several knee problems.
Chondromalacia patella is a condition in which the cartilage under your kneecap breaks down.
The main thing is pain. You might notice it:
To speed up the recovery
If You Try These Techniques And Your Knee Still Hurt, You Need To See A Specialist. It’s Rare, But You May Need Surgery For Severe Cases Of Runner’s Knee.
The stability of the knee joint depends on tough fibrous bands known as ligaments that connect bones to create the knee joint. One of the major ligaments that provide 90% of stability to the knee joint is known as the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The ACL keeps the shin bone in place and prevents it from moving too far forward and away from the knee and thigh bone. An ACL injury is the over-stretching or tearing of the ACL in the knee. The tear can be partial or complete.
ACL tears are the most common among all knee injuries, accounting for nearly half of all knee injuries. It has been found that nearly 60 people for every 100,000 people every year have a tear of their ACL.
If you are actively involved in sports, then you are more likely to acquire an ACL injury. It is often seen among football players, basketball players, baseball players, rugby players, skiers, tennis players, and gymnasts.
ACL injuries can also occur following motor vehicle accidents. If you jump and land on your feet with your knees straight, there is a higher risk of your ACL getting torn.
Difficulty walking may be the most common & earliest symptom a patient may feel. Knee swelling would develop within 6 hours of injury.
Suspect an ACL injury, you should stop any activity and see an expert at the earliest.
There are both non-surgical and surgical methods used to treat an ACL tear. Based on your age, lifestyle, involvement in sports, occupation, degree of knee instability, and any other associated injuries the doctor will decide the mode of therapy.
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Therapy Is Considered A Breakthrough Therapy For Soft Tissue Injuries, I.E., Muscles, And Ligaments. Because It Has Proven To Be Effective In This Regard.
Surgery: One Of The Big Downsides Of ACL Surgery Is The Time Away From Playing. Most Athletes Don’t Get Back Before 6 Months And At That Point, They’re Lucky To Be At 50% Of Where They Were Before The Injury.
The term has entered wide use, though only a small group of people diagnosed with tennis elbow actually get it from playing tennis.
Tennis elbow is a common injury that will usually heal with minor treatment, but you have to give it time and rest.
Tennis elbow is a pain focused on the outside of the arm, near the elbow.
It’s related to a muscle and tendons in your forearm. Tendons connect your muscles to your bones. When you constantly use your arm in a repetitive motion, the tendons at the elbow end of a certain muscle the extensor carpi radialisbrevis (ECRB) muscle may develop small tears.
The tears lead to inflammation and may put stress on the rest of your arm, making it painful to lift and grip things. Left untreated, it can become chronic.
Tennis elbow affects up to 3% of the population, particularly adults between 30 and 50 years of age. But less than 5% of cases are linked to tennis.
Tennis elbow is a classic repetitive stress injury caused by overuse. Any activity that strains the muscles around the elbow over and over again can cause it. There’s also a version golfer get called “golfer’s elbow.”
Apart from Tennis Tree-cutting (repetitive use of a chain saw), Painting, Carpentry, Playing some types of musical instruments, Butchers & cooks are all when the tendons may get small tears.
A golfer’s elbow differs from a tennis elbow in that the pain is focused on the inside of the elbow. But the causes are similar: tendon tears caused by repetitive movement, whether it’s a golf swing, lifting weights, or simply shaking hands.